

Monday, 07 November 2022 11:34

How to host a Website for free

Host a website step 1: Create a GitHub account

First of all, you’ll need a GitHub account. If you’re only setting one up, it’s important to pay special attention to the username field.

This will be reflected in your website’s url, so select something that you’d like to share with your circle (for example, if you select “johndoe”, your website will be live at

When it comes to websites, visual content plays a key role in enhancing a user’s experience and their impression of your brand/business. Websites use images for a wide variety of reasons. Studies show us that about 37% of people are visual learners. Images can tell a convincing story, which is the reason brands use imagery to convey their stories and idealism. E-commerce stores have also been growing at an exponential rate, and images obviously play a huge part in their website structure.

When it comes to websites, visual content plays a key role in enhancing a user’s experience and their impression of your brand/business. Websites use images for a wide variety of reasons. Studies show us that about 37% of people are visual learners. Images can tell a convincing story, which is the reason brands use imagery to convey their stories and idealism. E-commerce stores have also been growing at an exponential rate, and images obviously play a huge part in their website structure.

Here are a few of our favorite motivational and inspiring quotes from a wide variety of sources. We hope you find a few you like and can revisit often to stay motivated.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:43

Domain Names: A Quick Guide

What are domains?

So, let’s start with what a website domain name is. At its essence, a domain name is what goes in between the protocol sign (HTTP://) and the first slash in a URL or web address.

For the URL:, the domain name would be: What you might not realize is that this domain is a stand-in that represents the computer or website’s IP address.

Every single device that uses the internet is given an IP address. That IP address is a distinctive identifier ascribed to the device that cannot be used by a different device simultaneously.

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